Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Next Day

 This gifted puffy fall throw has been just the thing for these cold days.  I was gifted another for the holidays - it's on my bed - maybe you'll see it tomorrow.  I hope it won't be -1 degrees when I wake up tomorrow  

I couldn't not read the comments on news articles about the Bishop's plea to the president.  Lots of support.  Some saying she should apologize.  A few comments about how women shouldn't be in the pulpit.  A few that women should be subservient to men. Some mentioned that what she said wasn't biblical, that she should read her Bible before preaching.  

It was interesting reading.  And I did way too much thinking and puzzling and I'm glad that my garden flag reminds me to love my neighbor, no exceptions  My heart felt so hopeful yesterday, so discouraged today.  

And then there was Bernie, no mittens for him this inauguration, telling us that 'the wealthiest three people in America now have more wealth than the bottom half of our society."  And that all three sat behind the president at the inauguration.  

1 comment:

Angie said...

These are sad, confusing, and really scary times. How can one not get depressed?