Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Usually I get a grocery pick-up every two weeks but Diet Coke was on sale this week so I placed a small order.  When I was unloading the groceries at home, I saw, tucked very safely in the corner of my cargo area, a cantaloupe that I'd ordered last week.  I guess I was focused on grocery bags and just missed it, figuring that there were none at the store last week.

Thing is, it didn't smell yucky after riding in the car for a week.  It tastes just fine.  So, cantaloupe for me this week.

And salmon for my daughter and me.  They were out of one-pound packages and substituted a three-pound piece instead.  It's huge.

One of my goals for today was to actually take a walk, as opposed to walking the fitbit prompts at 10 minutes until the hour if I haven't done 250 steps that hour and then filling in with shorter walks.  Did I mention that wherever I walk in my neighborhood there is a hill involved?  There is just no getting away from it, it's just a matter of how high a hill.  

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