Loved this whimsical little bird and her message. Yesterday I went to Joann to get buttons for a project. Which is in itself unusual. How many times do I ever buy buttons? When I pulled in to the shopping plaza I was amazed at the number of parking spaces by the store. At first I thought I must have had the hours wrong. But no, the big Michael's store next to Joann was closed. It always seemed like such a busy store, lots of registers ringing people up, lots of customers. I have to admit that I haven't shopped there since a new Michael's opened very close to my house. And now there is a new AJ Moore store even closer. But judging from the number of parking spaces now available, lots of people will be missing that store. I spent the afternoon at a baseball facility watching Aaron play in a city-wide tournament. It was a nice facility. Real bathrooms with soap, amazing. Well-maintained fields. My only complaint is that the dugouts weren't covered. On hot days, it's nice for the kids to be able to get some shade while their team is up to bat. Especially those fair-skinned little guys like Aaron. The second game was tied when the rain came and the teams will play the final inning Tuesday night.
Happy Summer Solstice, everyone! I look forward to all the solstices, but am a little conflicted about this one. I love the long day of daylight but know this means that the approaching days will each be a little shorter. The little gray throw is a baby shower gift. The customer also wanted these little "silkies," made of two layers of flannel with a satin binding. Made for the baby to carry around. Each 14" square. Since the size was so small, I didn't do mitered corners.
No rain so far today, so I'll go out and weed in a bit. The beds are starting to look a little nicer.
Rain. So much rain. It is so humid that now and then the sky just opens. And then, there are the thunderstorms. I got sale plants at the big box store yesterday. I figured they would have lots reduced because people wouldn't plant when it was raining and there was probably another shipment scheduled. My favorite is a planter with king coleus, I've admired those other seasons. I'll put it on the back porch, although the door from the kitchen is so swollen that I can't open it. Can't even unlock it. I also got some reblooming day lilies in a rosy color. $1 each. The day lilies are really thriving in the rain this year. I am trying to figure out how to do nice box corners on a cushion cover. Something I do so infrequently that I don't remember from one time to the next. I think the thing to do is just make a sample first, much as I dislike doing that. But, I'll be really sad if I cut out the customer's fabric and it isn't right. Yesterday I took Aaron and a friend to Scene 75 and they happily played a huge assortment of games for a couple of hours. Kid heaven.
A long time ago, last year some time, I decided I'd use my scraps for a disappearing nine patch quilt. By the time I had twenty or so blocks finished, I was done with it. And so, fits and starts later, I will actually have a baby quilt to turn in this month. It is ridiculously scrappy. Also, baby wise, a mom wanted her daughter's name on some onsies. That made a nice break with what I've been doing. The whole trick to these tiny shirts is to turn them inside out, hoop just the stabilizer, and use temporary basting spray to hold stabilizer and shirts together. Placement isn't a problem, just mark the centers on the stabilizer and the shirts. These little jobs do require babysitting the embroidery to be sure the shirt stays in place and a little sleeve doesn't flop over on the embroidery surface.
And, two of my friends have had babies this week, so a little baby shopping is in order. For boys.
I have a special feeling for Nora's Wombats softball team since she has been on that team for so long. Still, last night was the first game I'd seen this season. Nora came to the Wombats late since she was playing middle school ball and players can't play school ball and rec ball simultaneously. Then there were some rain-outs and some games in towns pretty far out. There was a double header and I got to the first game late because a tree was blocking the road and I had to find an alternate route. And I left the second game early because I wanted to find my way back before it was dark. Turns out that my route coming home was much easier anyway. The sunset was beautiful and I was glad to be out on the country roads to see it. Then my road dipped down to the Ohio River, more glorious sunset. They must have called the second game for darkness soon after I left. The Wombats won the double header, which probably accounts for Nora's happy smile. The moral of this story: I need to get out more often in the evenings. If I stay home in the evenings I'll turn into an old lady in no time.
This banner is re-hanging at church, different occasion. It helps me realize that (1) I've missed doing worship banners and (2) it looks nicer than I remembered. Last night I sort of watched Aaron while his parents went to Nora's softball game. He pretty much takes care of himself as long as he is fed. And sooner or later there is a gaggle of boys. I think he will have a good summer. Nora played second base last night. I think it's the last position she hadn't played. And her defense was good. I like to tell her that she's a utility player. I am behind on everything. I wonder . . . if I do just a bit of everything will it get my momentum going? Worth a try. And if I go shopping for garden plants, will that get my momentum going? Once again, worth a try. Because I need some momentum.
I love to make quilts of all kinds and usually do some kind of sewing almost every day. On my blog, I try to include a combination of my quilting projects, family news, and things I'm doing.