Tuesday, August 15, 2017


It's that time of year again, and one of my grand dogs is staying at my house for a week.  It's a bit different this year, she has a leg sprain or a torn ACL, either way she is limited in the number of walks she takes.  She is not happy about this.

But, for the most part, she is cheery.  A few treats, one of which has a pill for her leg.  A few bites of salmon.  A full water bowl.  Time in the back yard.

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

Such a nice visitor. And she'll have quiet time with you. Riley loves his pill pockets.
when his lunch pills ended this week--I had to put a piece of dry dog food in the segment of pocket
I use for his pills. He was standing and waiting--I just had to make up something to keep him happy.

He takes more pills that G does. I ought to have G use one of his pills trays for the dog.
Kidney's, lungs, liver. All need pills for my 10 year old dog. Oh and the cords in his throat that make him gag.
Not easy being a dog sometimes.