My daughter visited over the weekend and said that the Christmas star wall hanging had to go. She browsed through the rolled-up wall hangings under my bed and came up with this one. I really didn't remember making it, it must have been out of the rotation for a long time.
It's very scrappy, and I always like scrappy.
I'm in a mood to tidy up, not a big spring cleaning, just putting things in their places, or maybe getting rid of them entirely. My mental health always gets a boost when there is less "stuff" here and there.
Ever since Christmas there had been a good-sized gift box waiting to go to its recipients. On Saturday I made a trip to the post office and sent it on its way and picked up a pack of "Garden Delights" forever stamps. Package gone, wall hanging replaced, I think that's the last of Christmas.
Yesterday I went to church for the first time since some time in November. Took a loaf of banana bread to a friend. And had a recent personal record of 4000 steps on my fitbit.
Tonight, especially after my round of exercises this morning, I'm really feeling the increased movement. I'm remembering that recovery isn't always a straight upward diagonal - it had been a little while since that reminder.