Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Happy St. Patrick's Day.

I'm reminded of when my girls attended St. Patrick school, and this day had a special program followed by dismissal.

And when we were young, and not wearing at least a bit of green could lead to a pinch.

If I had some Guiness in my refrigerator I'd drink one tonight . . . but, I don't.

It's ok, I'll make my favorite vegetable soup, which has fresh spinach in the ingredient list, and that will be good enough.

Today I'm actually sewing and taking breaks to do some small tasks.  I have a goal of 6500 steps for today, and I think I'll get there.  It's chillier than I thought it would be, but I'll walk outside for just a llittle while and then try a walking video.  

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Certain Something

I wish I had that certain something that would let me take a vase of flowers and arrange things with it to make everything fit together and look lovely, but I don't.  Winnie does though.

Sarah visited last weekend and we stopped at the Fresh Market and got a cluster of these buds that open so nicely for her to take home to Winnie.  And now I'm wishing I'd bought some for myself.

The Fresh Market is right in front of my church, so I can easily stop tomorrow.

For today, I think the storms are over.  So much rain - we will surely start to green up next week.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rounding Third


Spring training in happening in Arizona, and Madtree Rounding Third beer is on the shelves here.

Opening Day in Cincinnati is March 27.

And this is a record setting day with temperatures in the seventies here.  Any minute now I'm going outside.

It's been a cross-off-medical-things week.  Doctor visits Monday and Tuesday and a tetanus etc. vaccination today.  My doctor has reminding me to get the vaccinaion for a couple of years and after seeing my grandson's whooping cough experience I was motivated.

Everyone else has been using QR codes for five years now but I finally tried it today to check in for the vaccination appointment.

The week after the time change - I find that I'm out of energy in the afternoon.  I know I'll be sad if I miss today's sunshine so I'll go outside and see if that brings energy my way.

Monday, March 10, 2025

A Bloom


For an unknown but happy reason, there is a bloom on my Christmas cactus and another on its way.  

Sarah came for a quick weekend visit.  There was a visit to a bike expo, a skateboard shop, and the huge liquor store.  Big as it was, the liquor store didn't have the beer that we wanted to try.

There were nachos at a favorite restaurant close to the river.  We had really planned to have dinner, but ending up having just the huge shared plate of nachos.

Sarah trimmed the last of the ornamental grasses - so new growth can start any day now.  

And then there was the time change.  The evenings are so much nicer now.

Thursday, March 6, 2025



The cutest little grandson from next door just knocked on my door.  He was selling chocolate bars for a school fund raiser.  I have a soft spot for cute little boys with glasses.

Tax information has been delivered, the quilt kit I cut out for my nursing home friend has been delivered.  Now I really have to get moving on making that worship banner for Lent.  

Yes, I know, I need it for Sunday.  I guess I'll just start and trust that  it will come to me as I go.  I do have some ideas, nothing definite.  I've looked at pictures but they just weren't what I wanted.

I'm enjoying the March weather, the windy days, the changes in temperature from one day to the next, the rain showers and snow flurries.  Right now, March is my favorite month.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

King Cake

 A tiny baby, beads, and a chocolate coin.  And all that delicious king cake.  With cinnamon dough and lovely crunchy sugar.

That just says it all.

It was the nicest day, temperature in the 60's before heading downward again.  A few months ago as I sat in my chair hurting I imagined going for my favorite walk, heading down the hill and walking on a street a couple of blocks away.  And today I walked it.  No cane.  

I admired a bigger hill that could have been a different way back but this wasn't the day.  Soon though.  I'll end up this day with 6000 steps.  So grateful.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Sort of New Wall Hanging

 My daughter visited over the weekend and said that the Christmas star wall hanging had to go.  She browsed through the rolled-up wall hangings under my bed and came up with this one.  I really didn't remember making it, it must have been out of the rotation for a long time.

It's very scrappy, and I always like scrappy.

I'm in a mood to tidy up, not a big spring cleaning, just putting things in their places, or maybe getting rid of them entirely.  My mental health always gets a boost when there is less "stuff" here and there.  

Ever since Christmas there had been a good-sized gift box waiting to go to its recipients.  On Saturday I made a trip to the post office and sent it on its way and picked up a pack of "Garden Delights" forever stamps.  Package gone, wall hanging replaced, I think that's the last of Christmas.

Yesterday I went to church for the first time since some time in November.  Took a loaf of banana bread to a friend.  And had a recent personal record of 4000 steps on my fitbit.  

Tonight, especially after my round of exercises this morning, I'm really feeling the increased movement.  I'm remembering that recovery isn't always a straight upward diagonal - it had been a little while since that reminder.